Coming Soon! Fall 2024 Book Club


First thank you to Annie Frankel for her years in making this a great collaboration. This year we have a change in organizers from Temple University, Susannah Anderson and Melody Slashinski are joining! We are excited to continue reading with them.

These are "come as you are" book discussions.

  • 1 hour meetings will be via Zoom
    • Thursdays, October 10th, 17th and 24th. 11-12(ET), 10-11(CT), 8-9(PT)


Interview snippet from Frontline January 2015

Places to borrow the book

Don't want to buy the book?

Check your University Library or Public Library  for options in print, ebook or audiobook formats:

Students can get library cards to the public libraries in their city.

Many local public libraries, in addition to print books, have ebook and audiobook collections for you to borrow. Typically they lend for 7- 21 days. 

Overdrive, Adobe Digital Editions, Hoopla and others are apps used to download them to your device. 

  • If the University library has the book selection it will be noted with the book. Otherwise use the links below to check the libraries.
  • University students can often get public library cards in that state or city. If you have a connection to a specific public library from your home town, check there too,.

Northeastern University students:

Temple University students:

Tulane University students:


Your Public Library may have it in print or as an ebook or audiobook.

Use the Overdrive search link to see if your local library offers an electronic version. 

Libby is the app used.