Additional Books
This page contains a few titles recommended by readers. They are grouped by broad topic coverage. A larger list is available. Recommendations are welcome.
Health Services Accessibility
- Sick from Freedom byISBN: 9780190218263Publication Date: 2015
- Pathologies of Power byISBN: 9780520243262Publication Date: 2004
- Black and Blue : the Origins and Consequences of Medical Racism byISBN: 9780520951846Publication Date: 2012
Communicable Diseases
- Infections and Inequalities byISBN: 9780520229136Publication Date: 2001
- In Defense of Food byISBN: 9780143114963Publication Date: 2009
- Food Politics byISBN: 9780520254039Publication Date: 2007
- Medical Apartheid byISBN: 9780385509930Publication Date: 2007
- Bad Blood : the Tuskegee syphilis experiment byISBN: 0029166756Publication Date: 1993
Communicable Diseases
- House on Fire : the fight to eradicate smallpox byISBN: 9780520948891Publication Date: 2011A story of courage and risk-taking, House on Fire tells how smallpox, a disease that killed, blinded, and scarred millions over centuries of human history, was completely eradicated in a spectacular triumph of medicine and public health.
- And the Band Played On: politics, people, and the AIDS epidemic byISBN: 9780312374631Publication Date: 2007Upon it's first publication twenty years ago, And The Band Played on was quickly recognized as a masterpiece of investigative reporting.... Shilts' expose revealed why AIDS was allowed to spread unchecked during the early 80's while the most trusted institutions ignored or denied the threat.
- An American Plague : the true and terrifying story of the yellow fever epidemic of 1793 byISBN: 0395776082Publication Date: 2003
Medical Policy, Epidemiology
- Betrayal of Trust byGarrett takes us to India, where she meticulously examines the course of the countrys pneumonic plague; to Zaire, where the Ebola virus is still largely unchecked; and to Russia, where bad policy and a collapsing society have made for staggering setbacks in all areas of health. Garrett also exposes the ungoverned world of biological terrorism.
Temple has copies.
American Healthcare
- An American Sickness: how healthcare became big business and how you can take it back byISBN: 9781594206757Publication Date: 2017
Mental Illness
- Anatomy of an Epidemic byIn this astonishing and startling book, award-winning science and history writer Robert Whitaker investigates a medical mystery: Why has the number of disabled mentally ill in the United States tripled over the past two decades?