Artists' Books Collection in Boston, MA
- Artists' Books Collection (Boston, MA)The Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections collects contemporary artists' books as part of an active teaching collection. Most simply and broadly, artists' books are works of art in book form. Included works showcase a variety of formats, techniques, and subjects. Email Regina Pagani to set up an appointment to view them.
Fine Press Collection in Oakland, CA
- Fine Press Collection (Oakland, CA)The F. W. Olin Library's Fine Press Collection consists of fine and private press, limited edition, and artists’ books, including examples of unique books, and ephemera. The collection is especially strong in books written or made by women and local artists. Fine press bibliographies, exhibition catalogues for fine press printers, book artists, the book arts, and printing history are well represented. The collection includes books and broadsides by students from the Mills College Book Art Program.
In the Collection: The City Within by Natalie Draz (Boston, MA collection)
Books about the Book Arts and History
- Selected Books about the Book Arts (Snell Library - Boston, MA)Looking to learn more about artists' books and book history? This list of books available online and in print at Snell Library in Boston, MA will help get you started.
Journals about the Books Arts and History
- The Journal of Artists' Books: JAB (online)As a forum for the study of artists’ books, JAB published critical and theoretical articles, reviews of artists' books and exhibitions, and commentary on conferences and and other book art-related activities. JAB also showcased creative work in the form of artists' statements and artist-designed pages and covers. The journal's final issue was published in spring 2020.
- Openings: Studies in Book Art (online)This journal of the College Book Art Association (CBAA) includes essays, interviews with book artists, book reviews and more.
- Visible Language (online and in print at Boston, MA and Oakland, CA)Features research and critical ideas regarding communication design, interface, interaction, English language evolution, the reading/writing paradigm, typography and design education form its core content.
- Parenthesis (in print at Oakland, CA)This journal of the Fine Press Book Association deals broadly in fine and private press printing as well as bookbinding, typography, collecting, publishing and related areas. It includes reviews of fine press books, essays, commentary, news, how-to articles and profiles of presses and personalities shaping the fine printing community.
- Printing History (online and in print at Oakland, CA)This journal of the American Printing History Association includes articles, interviews, and book reviews relating to all aspects of the history of printing and related arts and crafts, including calligraphy, typefounding, typography, papermaking, bookbinding, illustration, and publishing.