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Welcome to the course guide for LWP 6401, 6402, and 6403, Law and Policy Concepts 1, 2, and 3.
Visit our appointment calendars to book video-conferences or telephone research consultations. If the times offered aren't convenient, please e-mail us and we'll find an alternative. We look forward to working with you!
Roxanne Palmatier and Christine Oka
Welcome to the Library Course Guide for Law and Policy Concepts 1, 2, and 3. This Guide provides resources to help you:
- Identify public policy organizations and their publications,
- Find legislative histories, laws, and codified laws,
- Locate regulations, which are essentially the "laws" made by executive agencies,
- Find federal and state court cases and related materials, and
- Track down news sources, data, statistics, and public opinion polls.
Using the NU School of Law Library
The Law Library is open to members of the Northeastern University community.
Please note: Snell Library and the Law Library share access to many databases and e-journals. However, a number of Law Library e-resources, including Westlaw and the Law Library's version of Lexis are not available to the larger University community.
Please consult the excellent Library Guides created by Law School librarians!
Background Information on Policy Formation and Evaluation
Search Sage for books on policy making and policy/program evaluation.
Also search NU's Scholar OneSearch for additional e-books and articles on policy making and evaluation. Here are some samples.