
This page shares information and resources aimed at faculty who are planning evidence-based assignments as coursework.

How can the Library support your course?

The Library can support your course in a number of ways, including and not limited to those listed below:

Develop online learning objects (Canvas modules, videos, tutorials) which meet course or assignment learning objects.

Provide in-class instruction sessions on aspects of evidence-based practice, such as searching or critical appraisal.

Providing feedback on the feasibility of evidence-based assignments, from a student-centered viewpoint.

Ensure that we have maximal availability in our schedules for student consultations during a particular period of the semester.

Purchase texts, tools, and resources for your course.

A 'systematic review' as a course assignment?

Understanding the purpose and utility of systematic reviews is an important part of evidence-based practice. To achieve this end, some instructors choose to develop course assignments based on the systematic review. Here, we provide a few recommendations on how best to frame and structure these kinds of assignments.

1. Consider the time required and set appropriate expectations. A true systematic review typically takes 9-18 months to complete, making it an impractical course assignment based on the time scale alone. However, it is not necessary to complete a systematic review to gain a solid understanding of their purpose and utility. Assignments which focus on discrete aspects of the systematic review methodology, rather than completing the whole process, are highly effective.

2. Consider the most appropriate terminology for the assignment. The term 'systematized review' was developed to accurately name the kind of student assignment which uses an adapted and simplified methodology based on the systematic review. Utilizing the appropriate terminology will help students understand the differences between their assignment vs. a systematic review, and this can then open the door to discussions of how bias can be introduced when methodological simplifications occur.

3. Consider involving the Library. Evidence-based assignments, by their very nature, require students to locate and assess the available evidence. These are skills which we as librarians practice and teach about regularly. Involving the Library at the planning stages will help us ensure that we have the resources and time to devote to supporting your course assignments. You can read more about the variety of teaching and learning support we can offer in the box, "How can the Library support your course?"