Page Overview

Libraries are places where community members go not only to get the popular book of the time, but may also be the place where they get access to a computer and wifi. They are welcoming spaces to everyone. 

Libraries can be part of the solution.

Current programs and initiatives involving libraries in Maine or New England are included on this page.

Libraries as Telehealth locations

Articles on Telehealth in Libraries

Initiatives and Collaborations

Part of the R4 Connections Webinar Series through the Network of National Libraries of Medicine. This session features guest speaker Dr. Pamela DeGuzman who will focus on telemedicine in rural public libraries and her research in this area in Virginia.

Publication: DeGuzman, P. B., Jain, N., & Loureiro, C. G. (2021). Public libraries as partners in telemedicine delivery: A review and research agenda. Public Library Quarterly, 1–12.