Mendeley Cite

Mendeley Cite is the new citation tool now available to create in-text citations and bibliographies from your Mendeley Library. Mendeley Cite is compatible with Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Word versions 2016 and above and with the Microsoft Word app for iPad®. 

This page provides support on an earlier version of Mendeley Cite known as the Microsoft Word Plug-In. Find more information about the Mendeley Citation Plugin for Word on Mendeley's website, or on the rest of this page. 

Microsoft Word Plug-In

Additional Help from Mendeley: Using the Microsoft Word Plug-In with Mendeley

This resource will walk you through installing the plug-in and using it, including creating citations, changing citation styles, and editing citations.

Mendeley Cite vs. Microsoft Word Plug-In

Depending on when you first downloaded Mendeley and started using it with Microsoft Word, you may find that your Word integration looks differently than some of the images on this guide. You'll find both toolbars in Microsoft Word underneath 'References'. 

Mendeley Cite is the newer and expanded version of the original Microsoft Word Plug-In. It works with Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Word versions 2016 and above and with the Microsoft Word app for iPad. To open the toolbar in Microsoft Word, click on the Mendeley Cite icon. 

Unsure which version of the Microsoft Word integration you have? Below is a screenshot of Mendeley Cite to help you identify what you're using. 

Mendeley Cite icon highlighted in to help user identify if they have Mendeley Cite or Mendeley Plug-In

Depending on when you first downloaded Mendeley and started using it with Microsoft Word, you may find that your Word integration looks differently than some of the images on this guide. You'll find both toolbars in Microsoft Word underneath 'References'. 

Unsure which version of the Microsoft Word integration you have? Below is a screenshot of the Microsoft Word Plug-In to help you identify what you're using. 

Need more help with the Microsoft Word Plug-In? Visit our dedicated page.

Using the Microsoft Word Plug-In with Mendeley

After installing Mendeley on your computer, you will be prompted to install a Microsoft Word Plug-In when you open Mendeley up for the first time. To ensure smooth installation, have all Microsoft Word windows closed when you install the plug-in. 

For help, see detailed installation instructions from Mendeley. Scroll down for screenshot instructions.

Once you've installed the Plug-In, you should see the Mendeley toolbar underneath the 'References' Menu in your document. 

Microsoft Word References Tab with Mendeley Toolbar highlighted

For help, see Mendeley's help documentation on inserting citations and bibliographies.

For Mac users:

For all Mac users, be sure you have exited all the way out of Microsoft Word for a smooth installation. To quit out of Microsoft Word, Select the 'Word' menu at the upper left hand corner of the screen, and select 'Quit'. For some Mac users, depending on which version of Word you are using, you may not find the Mendeley toolbar underneath the 'References' menu. If you are not using Microsoft Word 2016, you will be able to find the Mendeley toolbar under View Toolbars Mendeley.

For additional questions, see Mendeley's help page.

Installing and Uninstalling the Microsoft Word Plug-in from Mendeley

The first time you open your Mendeley desktop, you'll be prompted to log in. After you log in, you'll see a pop up box that gives you the option to install the Citation Plug-in for Microsoft Word. This will allow you to use your Mendeley library to create citations and bibliographies in Microsoft Word. For best results, be sure to close out of Microsoft Word before installing. Click Install.

Citation Plug-in for Microsoft Word Install button circled

After the Citation Plug-in is installed, click close.

If you need to uninstall or reinstall the Microsoft Word plug-in for citations, you can go to the Tools menu and select either 'Uninstall MS Word Plugin' or 'Reinstall MS Word Plug-in'. Mendeley will automatically toggle between the two options depending on whether or not the Plug-in is installed.

Uninstall MS Word Plug-in:

Uninstall MS Word Plug-in from Tools menu


Install MS Word Plug-in:

Install MS Word Plug-in from Tools menu