Downloading Mendeley Reference Manager and Creating a Mendeley Account

To download and install Mendeley, follow these steps:

1. Go to Mendeley.

2. Click Download in the upper right hand corner.

Mendeley homepage with download button in upper right hand corner highlighted

3. After clicking Download, you'll be directed to this screen where you will be prompted to begin the download process by clicking the Download button for your computer system. 

Button titled "Download now for macOS" highlighted

4. Next, you'll be prompted to Register for Mendeley. To use Mendeley, you have to create an account, and you can do this from either this page or the first time you open Mendeley on your computer. 

"Register now for free" button highlighted

5. To register, start by entering your email. You can use either your personal or Northeastern email. 

Enter email to register for a Mendeley account

6. The next page will ask your name and for you to create a password. Please note that the 'Stay signed in' button is checked by default, but you should not select this option if you are on a public computer. 

Enter registration details and select whether or not to stay signed in on this computer.

7. After entering this information, you will have successfully created an account. Click 'Continue to Mendeley'. 

Pop up box showing a successfully created account


8. Once you've completed registration, you will get to your online Mendeley cloud home page. From this page, you can access your library in the upper right hand corner of the page. This cloud home page is designed to give you access to your Mendeley references wherever you are, regardless of whether the Mendeley Reference Manager app is installed on the computer you're using.

decorative image of Mendeley homepage when user is signed in

Adding Citations to Mendeley Reference Manager

The above video and PDF show you how to add documents to Mendeley Reference Manager by downloading the citation from Scholar OneSearch and importing it into Mendeley Reference Manager.

You can add documents to Mendeley Reference Manager several other ways, including dragging and dropping PDFs already on your computer, creating an entry manually, and adding items from databases. See Mendeley's help page for detailed descriptions of how to import items, however one of the easiest is to use the Mendeley Web Importer.

If you have installed the Mendeley Web Importer, you can also use that to add new items to your library from various web sources including websites and databases. See Mendeley's help page for detailed descriptions of how to import references and PDFs from the web.

Using the Web Importer with Scholar One Search, you can navigate to the item you'd like to save in your library and then click the Mendeley Web Importer button. It will ask you to log in if you haven't already logged into Mendeley in your browser, and then allow you to save the citation to your library.

Mendeley Web Importer selecting book from Scholar One Search

Select the citation(s) you'd like to add to your library. Once you click Save, the item will be saved into your library, and the Mendeley Web Importer Pop-up will let you know that the citation has been saved. 

Your item should now be in your Mendeley library. If it doesn't show up right away, click 'Sync' to update your desktop library. Once it's been added to your library, check to ensure all citation details are correct. 

If any details are incorrect in Mendeley, they will be incorrect in your citations and bibliography later on, so you'll want to edit them. To edit any of the information, click on the field you'd like to edit and type.

Detailed view of editing a citation's content in Mendeley

Installing Add-ons for Mendeley Reference Manager

Once you have registered for a Mendeley account, you can open up the desktop application. It will prompt you to log in and select whether or not you want to stay logged in. If you have not registered, you can also register by clicking the 'Register' box in the lower left hand corner and following the steps above.

Once you've logged into Mendeley, you'll want to install both the Mendeley Cite and the Web Importer. Mendeley Cite will allow you to use your Mendeley library to create citations and bibliographies in Microsoft Word and Office 365. The Web Importer will allow you to easily import items into your Mendeley Library from the browser of your choice. For best results, be sure to close out of Microsoft Word before installing Microsoft Cite. To install, click on 'Tools' and then install both tools. 

Once you click 'Install Web Importer', Mendeley will open a tab in your default browser and give you the option to select the browser where you would like to add in the Web Importer.

Install Web Importer Page

The Web Importer button will be a small Mendeley icon that you can find in the top right hand corner of your browser. When you are ready to import an item, you can click this button to add the item to your Mendeley library. If you have not already signed into Mendeley in the browser you are using, it will ask you to log in to Mendeley before it adds your item to your library.

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