Key Resources
- ACM Digital Library (Association for Computing Machinery) This link opens in a new windowThe ACM Digital Library contains full-text access to most ACM periodicals and conference proceedings from 1985 to the present, including proceedings and publications of affiliated societies. It replaces the library's suite of print ACM subscriptions.
- Computers & Applied Sciences Complete (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new windowAbstracts for more than 1,800 academic journals (730 in full text), professional publications, and other reference sources from a diverse collection relating to computer science.
- IEEEXplore (IEEE/IET Electronic Library) This link opens in a new windowAccess to the Now Publishers Foundations and Trends Technology eBooks Engineering and Energy Library as well as citations and full text from IEEE journals, conference proceedings, and standards.
IEEE Spectrum Magazine
- CiteSeer XScientific literature digital library and search engine that focuses primarily on the literature in computer and information science, and aims to improve the dissemination of and access to scientific literature and scholarly knowledge.
- dblp: Computer Science BibliographyBibliographic information on key computer science publications.
- Faulkner's Advisory for IT StudiesMore than 1,200 reports that help researchers learn about and keep up with the issues, trends, market conditions, products, services, and vendors in the IT and communications industries.
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