Key Resources

Welcome! For additional options, visit our comprehensive list of resources or consult a Subject Librarian, discipline-specific Subject Guide, or NU Law School Library Subject Guide.

Notes about Law Libraries

The Law Library is open to members of the Northeastern University community and non-Law affiliates may borrow print materials from the collection.

Please consult the excellent Library Guides created by Law School librarians!

Please note:  Snell Library and the Law Library share access to many databases and e-journals. However, a number of Law Library e-resources, including Westlaw and the Law Library's version of Lexis are not available to the larger University community.

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts provides a robust system of Trial Court Libraries located throughout the state (see locations). The Trial Courts offer free onsite access to Lexis, Westlaw, and VitalLaw. Details are available on the Trial Court Library page.

Library Quick Links

Need more help?

Please e-mail Roxanne Palmatier, library contact for Legal Studies.