Want an easy way to access scholarly articles, ebooks, and newspapers that Northeastern University Library subscribes to?

LibKey Nomad is a safe, secure, and privacy-protecting browser plugin that will check for full-text availability from the library’s subscriptions and present you with a link to download the PDF, view the newspaper, or request it from the library if it is not immediately available.     

Installation Instructions

  1. Go to https://www.libkeynomad.com

  1. Click ‘Get LibKey Nomad Now’ and choose your browser. 

  1. Follow the instructions in your browser’s web store to install the extension. 

  1. Select ‘Northeastern University’ from the dropdown menu. 

  1. Done! 

Once installed, the Nomad plugin will appear in your browser to help provide full-text access, regardless of where you begin your research. 


Follow this link (or go to www.tandfonline.com and find any article): https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1941126X.2022.2133929  

Users on campus computers will be able to download the article directly but off-campus or mobile users may be asked to log in or pay a fee. With Nomad installed, the Download PDF button will provide direct access to the article: 

LibKey Download PDF ButtonLibKey Access Options Button 

If the library does not have a subscription to the material, the Access Options button will take you to Scholar OneSearch to check for alternate access or allow you to request an Interlibrary Loan. 

You may also see Nomad banners on websites for popular magazines and newspapers that the library provides access to such as the Economist or the Washington Post.

LibKey Access the Economist Banner

 LibKey Register for a Washington Post Account Banner

In some cases, these buttons will provide instant access. For others, they will provide registration instructions or a link to create a personal account. We hope that Nomad will help you to have a seamless research experience with as few obstacles as possible.  

Remember, if you have any questions: ask a librarian

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