Finding funding
On this page, you will find information about locating funding opportunities as well as resources for writing grant proposals.
Databases for finding funding opportunities
- Foundation Directory Professional (Candid) This link opens in a new windowInformation about foundations and grantmaking institutions worldwide, with data about their grants and grant recipients. Useful for academic research on philanthropy as well as for identifying funding sources.
- Tutorial:Training video from Candid (Opens in new window) on YouTube
- Guidestar Pro (Candid) This link opens in a new windowInformation about United States nonprofits including charities, schools, religious institutions, and nonprofit trade associations. Guidestar shows finances from IRS Form 990 tax filings, as well as missions, programs, activities, board members and executives. Useful for academic, employment/co-op, and advocacy research, as well as for identifying funding sources.
- Pivot (Formerly COS Funding Opportunities) This link opens in a new windowA database of grants and other funding opportunities including federal U.S. government, private foundations, corporate and international funding opportunities all in one easy to search tool. Includes pre-populated scholar profiles. This resource requires logging in with your Northeastern credentials to create a Pivot account.
Using Pivot
Pivot-RP is a comprehensive database that users may search for:
- funding opportunities, such as grants, fellowships, prizes, other types of funding within a broad range of disciplines.
- collaborating and publishing opportunities by viewing matching faculty from inside or outside Northeastern University.
Check out the Pivot YouTube channel for training on other topics or contact the library for additional help.
Use the Pivot search box below to start finding funding opportunities for you!
Federal Grants Opportunities
- National Science FoundationThe funding source for approximately 25 percent of all federally supported basic research conducted by America's colleges and universities.
- NIH Central Resource for Grants and Funding InformationA webpage from the NIH with a collection of resources on its grant process, funding opportunities, policies, etc.
- Grants.govA database to locate federal grant opportunities. Visitors can use the web version or mobile app to find grants.
- Subscribe to funding alerts from federal agenciesIncludes links to subscribe to receive funding alerts and other news directly from federal agencies
Writing Resources
- Grant Writing Basics ( writing resources from, a federal grant seeking website.
- Introduction to Grant WritingFrom Purdue OWL
- 10 Tips for Successful Grant WritingA resource from the Chronicle of Higher Education
Search the Library Catalog
Click on the links below to search the library catalog for resources
Finding Funding Workshop
- Findiing Fundiing Workshop (November 19, 2024) RecordingLearn how to locate funding for your projects in this hour-long workshop
- Finding Funding Workshop SlidesSlides from the Finding Funding Workshop on November 19, 2024