Books are another important resource for research. How you use them, and how you cite them, will depend on the type of book.

  • A Monograph is a detailed book on a subject. The entire book is written by either a single person, or a team working together. When you find a monograph on your topic, consult the table of contents to see where to start.
  • An Anthology or an edited book are books with chapters on distinct topics related to a central theme. Each chapter is written by different authors and the volume is overseen by an editor. These books have a specific citation format that includes the editor and chapter authors.
  • Reference books include encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other reference material. They often include many short articles intended to introduce readers to a topic.

Scholar OneSearch

Scholar OneSearch


To find books or e-books, you'll want to use Scholar OneSearch. Scholar OneSearch searches many of the library's databases, including e-book databases and the library catalog.

Once you've searched for the topic you're interested in Scholar OneSearch will return a list of as many materials as possible related to your topic. This will include books and e-books, as well as some articles, videos, dissertations, and more.

The easiest way to search Scholar OneSearch is to limit your search to a particular material type, such as books or e-books. To do this, use the filter on the left hand side of the screen to select the material type(s) you're interested in and click 'Apply'. You can also exclude material types from your search by hovering over the material type and clicking the red check box on the right hand side of the material type.

For more information, view Scholar OneSearch Tutorials.

eBook Collections

Search Terms to Consider

Consider using some of these search terms to get you started. You can play around with the key terms in our ScholarOne Search, our Ebook libraries, or in our databases.

Big Data
Big data -- management
Big data --congresses
Business - data processing
Business forecasting
Business forecasting -- data processing
Business intelligence
Business intelligence -- data processing
Business logistics -- Decision making
Business planning
Business planning -- statistical methods
Data analytics
Data analytics
Data mining
Data mining - congresses
Data warehousing
Database management
Decision support systems
Econometric models
Electronic data processing -- distributed processing
Finance -- mathematical models
Information resources management
Investment analysis -- mathematical models
Management -- mathematical models
Management information systems

Interlibrary Loan

Try using Northeastern's Interlibrary Loan system to request books, book chapters, or articles not available at NU. Articles can be delivered electronically.