How do I get help with my coursework?
For assignment-specific questions or for help troubleshooting errors in code, we recommend contacting your instructor or teaching assistant (TA) directly. In some cases, additional tutoring may be available to you related to your course:
- If you are looking for support in a core data science course (ex. DS2000, DS2001, DS2500, DS3000), please schedule an appointment through the Peer Tutoring Program.
- If you are looking for support in other data science courses, please check the availability of additional tutoring for your particular college.
How do I request a library consult?
For more general questions (ex. "how do I import my data into R/RStudio?"), the library offers one-on-one consultations for anyone in the Northeastern community online via Zoom or by email. During a consultation we can answer questions and work with you to address topics including the following:
- Ideas for visualizing your data or topic
- Recommendations for data analysis or visualization tools to use
- Assistance using data analysis and visualization tools (ex. R, Python, D3, Tableau)
- Ideas and recommendations for cleaning your datasets, and assistance with data cleaning in OpenRefine
- Suggestions for improving data visualization design
- Poster design
- Presentation design