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There are a variety of topics you may decide to focus on for your presentation and final project. The list of databases on this page are organized by subject; select the database or databases that seem most relevant to your topic. Find additional relevant databases and resources on a topic by consulting a relevant research subject guide.
Suggested Databases
- Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new windowA multidisciplinary database useful for researching a broad range of topics. Includes newspaper, magazine, and academic peer-reviewed articles.
- JSTOR This link opens in a new windowArchive of scholarly articles and book chapters in the humanities, social sciences, and other disciplines
- MLA International Bibliography (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new windowDetailed information about 6,000 journals and book series that cover literature, literary theory, dramatic arts, folklore, language, linguistics, pedagogy, rhetoric and composition, and the history of printing and publishing.
- Web of Science, All Databases This link opens in a new windowA database that broadly covers all of the sciences with strengths in natural sciences, health sciences, engineering, computer science, materials sciences. Great for interdisciplinary research, it also includes coverage of social sciences, arts, and humanities.
- Business Source Ultimate (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new windowArticles from academic journals, magazines and trade publications covering a range of business topics, including advertising.
- Passport (Euromonitor) This link opens in a new windowIndustry reports and analysis, consumer information, company and brand shares.
- Social Sciences Premium Collection (Proquest) This link opens in a new windowScholarly and professional citations and abstracts with full text links in politics and public policy, sociology, social services, anthropology, criminology, linguistics, information sciences and education. Professional society databases included.
Political Science and Policy
- PAIS International plus Archive (Proquest) This link opens in a new windowPAIS is international in scope and indexes articles, books, and government publications in the social sciences. The database covers materials from 1914 to the present.
- Policy Commons This link opens in a new windowReports, working papers, policy briefs, data, and audio and visual media drawn from a directory of thousands of government, nongovernment, and intergovernmental institutions and research centers.
- Policy File (Proquest) This link opens in a new windowU.S. foreign and domestic policy papers and gray literature, PolicyFile is updated weekly with abstracts and links to the latest reports, papers, and documents from think tanks, research institutes, and agencies.
- EIU Viewpoint and Country Reports (Economist Intelligence Unit) This link opens in a new windowFormerly,, Viewpoint has a new interface with enhanced content. Excellent resource for finding country and regional information.Economic and political analyses and forecasts.
- Europa World Plus This link opens in a new windowOne of the premier sources of country information. In addition to extensive coverage of individual countries and territories, Europa covers international and regional organizations, commodities, and selected biographical and directory information. Continuous updating of geopolitical developments, including election results is provided.