About Research Data Services

The library offers support for working with data! This page provides a high level overview of the types of services that are available, and links to where you can learn more about specific offerings.

Research Data Services

Data Analysis and Programming

Support for cleaning, manipulating, and analyzing data. Also learning how to code.



R / RStudio

Data Visualization

Support for creating and improving data visualizations such as graphs.




Posters, Presentations, and Diagrams

Support for creating and refining posters, presentations, diagrams and other graphics.

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign

Geospatial Analysis and GIS

Support for creating maps, conducting geospatial analysis, and learning GIS tools.


ArcGIS / ESRI Suite
Simply Analytics

Digital Repository Service

The Digital Repository Service (DRS) was developed by Northeastern University Library as a tool for University faculty and staff to protect the valuable information and data that has been created as part of the University’s research and instructional mission.

Anyone is welcome to use the DRS to discover publicly available content, like theses and dissertations or the University Archives and Special Collections Digital Collections. Members of the Northeastern community are encouraged to sign in to access additional content that is not available to the general public, like photographs from the Office of Marketing and Communications or certain research materials.