- ACM Digital Library (Association for Computing Machinery) This link opens in a new windowFull-text access to most periodicals and conference proceedings from a leading computer engineering society. Covers 1985 to the present, including proceedings and publications of affiliated societies.
- Computers & Applied Sciences Complete (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new windowCitations and abstracts for more than 1,800 academic journals (730 in full text), professional publications, and other reference sources from a diverse collection relating to computer science. Links to full text for Northeastern-subscribed journals.
- Engineering Village This link opens in a new windowCombines the citations and full text links of Compendex and Inspec with full text books from Knovel, for a more comprehensive search on computer science and engineering topics.
- IEEEXplore (IEEE/IET Electronic Library) This link opens in a new windowAccess to citations and full text from IEEE journals, conference proceedings, and standards. Includes IEEE Spectrum Magazine, the Now Publishers Foundations and Trends Technology eBooks Engineering and Energy Library.
- LISTA: Library and Information Science Abstracts (EBSCOHost) This link opens in a new windowOver 600 periodicals, plus books, research reports and proceedings on librarianship, including information management and more extending back as far as the mid-1960s.
- Web of Science, Core Collection 1975-present This link opens in a new windowUse for citation tracking, finding seminal literature, data visualizations, author alerts, institutional affiliations, and impact factors. LInks to full text for Northeastern-subscribed journals.
- This link opens in a new windowAn AI-powered research platform that analyzes and provides citation context for scientific papers, helping researchers evaluate the credibility and impact of scholarly articles. Account registration is necessary for some features.
- Business Source Ultimate (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new windowScholarly, peer-reviewed articles and professional association news and information, the majority in full text. Some video.
- e-Print ArchiveAvailable to the public, this full-text archive started with physics papers, and now also includes math, computer science, quantitative biology, & statistics. Authors submit material, often from conference proceedings, and often before print publication.
- CiteSeer XScientific literature digital library and search engine that focuses primarily on the literature in computer and information science, and aims to improve the dissemination of and access to scientific literature and scholarly knowledge.
- Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new windowScholarly, peer-reviewed articles and professional association publications, Abstracts and links to full text, about half are peer reviewed, covering all academic subjects including STEM fields.
Use this link if you want to include video clips (Opens in new window) from the Associated Press in your search results. - JSTOR This link opens in a new windowOne of the most trusted sources for scholarly books and historical journal backfiles. Beginning in 2023, JSTOR also includes Artstor images of art and primary source artifacts.
What if Northeastern doesn't have access?
Try Interlibrary Loan to request books or articles not available at NU.