Evidence based practice in nursing can be described as "an ongoing process by which evidence, nursing theory and the practitioners’ clinical expertise are critically evaluated and considered, in conjunction with patient involvement, to provide delivery of optimum nursing care for the individual." (Scott & McSherry, 2009).
Searching for evidence is an integral part of evidence based practice. Searching effectively and efficiently is a skill which must be learned and cultivated like any other skill. This page includes tips and resources to help you in searching for evidence.
For additional database-agnostic searching tips, see Research Essentials. For database-specific tutorials, see Database Searching Tutorials. If you are conducting an evidence synthesis project, see our guide Systematic Reviews & Evidence Syntheses.
Evidence Based Practice
Studer, Amy. "Evidence Based Practice." UC Davis Library.
Systematic Reviews
Address a focused clinical question where review authors systematically search for, identify, select, summarize and critically apraise all of the medical research literature available on a specific topic. Statistical techniques may be used to combine the results of these studies. The authors clearly state the search methods used to locate these studies. It is important to examine the search methods used and decide for yourself if it was broad enough to include all of the relevant studies, and if the studies found were relevant to the clinical question.
Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial (RCT)
An experimental design used for testing the effectiveness of a new medication or a new therapeutic procedure. Individuals are assigned randomly to a treatment group or a control group, and the outcomes are compared. RCT is the most accepted scientific method of determining the benefit of a drug or a therapeutic procedure. It represents the best evidence available, which is integrated into the final decision about the management of a condition by healthcare practitioners in what is called evidence-based healthcare.
Clinical Trial
The NIH defines a clinical trial as "a research study in which one or more human subjects are prospectively assigned to one or more interventions (which may include placebo or other control) to evaluate the effects of those interventions on health-related biomedical or behavioral outcomes."
A protocol is a document which outlines the rationale, objectives, design, and methodology of a study.
Meta-analysis is the statistical combination of results from two or more separate studies.
Review Article
Brings together information about previously published research on a topic. It provides a critical appraisal of the topic over a period of time. It is helpful in identifying the important literature on a topic. Given the vast amount of scientific literature published, review articles are an excellent tool for researchers wishing to research a topic.
Searching is an iterative process; you're unlikely to create the perfect search on the first try. Follow the steps below to create a usable search string from a topic or research question.
Step 1: Extract the most relevant concepts from your topic or research question.
PICO is one framework used to help extract relevant concepts from a clinical research question.
P = Population / Problem / Patient
I = Intervention / Issue
C = Comparison / Control
O = Outcome
PICO is a tool to help you break down the question into concepts; whether or not you use PICO is not all that important. The important thing is to break down your research question into its component parts, one way or another.
Step 2: Term harvesting
Next, brainstorm alternative ways of phrasing each of your concepts. The goal here is for you to be able to use these alternative phrasings to create one high quality search which you can use to find the vast majority of relevant literature. Consider: synonyms, variant spellings, singular and plural forms, broader and more specific concepts, acronyms, and archaic terminology.
Step 3: Weave together your search string
With your lists of alternative phrasings in hand, you can now weave together your search string using boolean operators to connect your concepts. Your search string should look along the lines of:
(concept1 OR synonym) AND (concept2 OR synonym) AND (concept3 OR synonym)
Step 4: Search & iterate
As you search, you may notice additional phrasings for concepts which you hadn't originally considered. Add them into your search, within the appropriate concept group. If you are searching in PubMed, you may find it useful to include Mesh terms (PubMed's controlled vocabulary) in your search string. If you are finding too few results, you may want to remove one of your concept groups. If you are finding too many results, you may want to use the database's filters.
PubMed for Evidence-Based Practice
- Using PubMed for Evidence-Based PracticeWhen conducting research, evidence-based practice is a method for framing clinical questions that will help yield optimal search results. is a free research tool from the National Library of Medicine®. This course will show you how to use evidence-based practice when searching clinical questions using PubMed®.
Key Databases
- CINAHL Ultimate (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new windowCitations and abstracts of scholarly, peer-reviewed articles and professional association news and information for thousands of publications. Covers nursing and 17 allied health disciplines, going as far back as 1937. Links to PDFs or full text for Northeastern-subscribed journals.
- Cochrane Library This link opens in a new windowA full text database of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. Cochrane and other systematic reviews, clinical trials, and more.
- ClinicalKey (Elsevier) This link opens in a new windowClinical overviews, e-books, drug classification overviews and patient education and guidelines.
- Micromedex This link opens in a new windowEvidence based information about drugs, toxicology, diseases, acute care, and alternative medicine to support informed research. These products are intended solely for demonstration purposes, for the purpose of training students in the use of the Databases, and for clinical or emergency response services if the user is not compensated in any way for providing such services. The resources are to be used under the supervision of Northeastern’s teaching staff. These resources cannot be used for productive use within a hospital facility.
- PubMed Clinical QueriesUse the "Clinical Queries" link to search for a specific study category or to locate systematic reviews.
- EmbaseCovers the most important international biomedical literature from 1947 to the present day with more than 32+ million records from 8,200 journals and ‘grey literature’ from over 2.4 million conference abstracts. Embase includes unique non-English content and coverage of the most important types of evidence, such as randomized controlled trials, controlled clinical trials, Cochrane reviews and meta-analyses.
- Natural Medicines This link opens in a new windowHigh quality, evidence-based information about complementary and alternative therapies.
- The TRIP Database (Turning Research Into Practice)Free EBM clinical search engine.
Looking to Find Systematic Reviews?
There are a number of places to look for systematic reviews, including within the commonly used databases listed on this page. Some other resources to consider are:
Epistemonikos is a collaborative, multilingual database of health evidence. It is the largest source of systematic reviews relevant for health-decision making, and a large source of other types of scientific evidence.
3ie Development Evidence PortalThe Development Evidence Portal (DEP) is an expansive and growing repository of rigorous evidence on what works in international development. It contains high-quality impact evaluations, systematic reviews, and evidence gap maps and is the most comprehensive resource for this kind of evidence from low- and middle-income countries.
Grey Literature
Grey literature can be described as any information produced outside of traditional publishing channels--essentially anything besides articles published in scholarly journals. Grey literature can include, but is not limited to: pre-prints, reports, white papers, theses, conference proceedings, technical specifications and standards, technical and commercial documentation, and government documents. For this reason, frey literature can be difficult to systematically search for and evaluate.
Learn more below:
"Grey literature." (Institute for Work and Health).
"Grey literature: What it is & how to find it." (Simon Fraser University).
PICO Worksheet
JBI Ebook Collection
- Synthesizing Economic Evidence byPublication Date: 2011
- Synthesizing Evidence from Narrative, Text and Opinion byPublication Date: 2011
- Synthesizing Evidence of Diagnostic Accuracy byPublication Date: 2011
- Synthesizing Evidence of Risk byPublication Date: 2011
- Synthesizing Qualitative Evidence byPublication Date: 2011
- Synthesizing Quantitative Evidence byPublication Date: 2011
- Translation Science and the JBI Model of Evidence-based Healthcare byPublication Date: 2011
More EBP Ebooks
Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Thrid Edition by Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Model and Guidelines has proven to be one of the most foundational books on EBP in nursing. This fully revised third edition builds on the strength of the first two editions with updated content based on more than a decade of the model's use and refinement in real-life settings. Authors Deborah Dang and Sandra L. Dearholt also incorporated feedback from nurses around the world. Key features of the Johns Hopkins Nursing EBP model include:* NEW: Tips for using the newly updated Johns Hopkins Nursing EBP model and guidelines* NEW: Tips on seeking funding for the advancement of interprofessional collaboration and teamwork* NEW: Tools to guide the EBP process, such as Stakeholder Analysis, Action Planning, and Dissemination* Explanation of the Practice question, Evidence, and Translation (PET) approach to EBP projects* Overview of the Patient, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcome (PICO) approach to EBP question development* Creation of a supportive infrastructure for building an EBP nursing environment* Exemplars detailing real-world EBP experiencesCNOs, nurse managers, bedside nurses, and students alike have successfully transformed their practices and improved patient care using Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Model and Guidelines
ISBN: 9781940446981Publication Date: 2017-01-01Evidence-Based Geriatric Nursing Protocols for Best Practice by Award winner - 3rd place - AJN Book of the Year (Gerontologic Nursing)! The newest edition of this distinguished reference in geriatric nursing delivers updated guidelines, new illustrative case studies, and the latest evidence-based protocols developed by leading researchers, educators, and practitioners in each topic area. The sixth edition includes new approaches devoted to supporting LGBTQ elders, persons living with dementia and their families, and older adults living with HIV. New operational strategies provide guidance in using the electronic health record, implementing improved person-centered care approaches, and maintaining age-friendly atmospheres.Using evidence derived from all levels of care, this text offers developed guidelines for improving both quality and outcomes when caring for older adults in multiple disciplines, including interprofessional team members, long-term care and other staff educators, social workers, dietitians, and physicians. Chapters provide assessment and management principles, clinical interventions, specialty practice, and models of care. They consistently feature chapter objectives, annotated references, evidence ratings for each protocol, and resources for further investigation. Each protocol is embedded within the chapter content to provide context and detailed evidence. The protocols consistently include an overview, evidence-based assessment, intervention strategies, and a supporting case study with discussion. PowerPoint presentations and a test bank are available as instructors resources. New Chapters: Informational Technology: Embedding CPGs Organizational Approaches to Promote Person-centered Care Environmental approaches to support aging friendly care HIV and the Older Adult LGBTQ Perspectives Key Features: Evidence-based geriatric protocols for best practices for in-patient, in-home, and long-term care settings Case studies with discussions in each chapter to illustrate application of clinical practice and related Nursing Standard of Practice Protocol Guidelines that are developed by experts on the topics of each chapter and are based on the best available evidence The AGREE systematic method was used to evaluate each protocol and validate this books content Instructors resources including PowerPoints and a Test Bank
ISBN: 0826188141Publication Date: 2020-03-28Evidence-based Nursing Care for Stroke & Neurovascular Conditions by
ISBN: 9780470958759Publication Date: 2013Evidence-based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare: a guide to best practice by
ISBN: 9781469855738Publication Date: 2015Exploring Evidence-based Practice: debates and challenges in nursing by
ISBN: 9781317654643Publication Date: 2016
Clinical Trial Registries
-" is a registry of federally and privately supported clinical trials conducted in the United States and around the world". Lists studies by condition, drug intervention, sponsor and location.
Practice Guidelines
- American College of Physicians -- GuidelinesCovers many areas of internal medicine including screening for cancer or other major diseases, diagnosis, treatment and medical technology.
- PubMed (NU customized) This link opens in a new windowLocate guidelines by using the following limit option: article types>more>practice guideline.
- CINAHL Ultimate (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new windowLocate guidelines by using the following limit option: publication types >practice guidelines
- ClinicalKey (Elsevier) This link opens in a new windowSearch by topic, authoring organization or medical specialty area.
- AccessMedicine (McGraw Hill Medical) This link opens in a new windowSelect "Guidelines" from the "Quick Reference" drop down menu.
Note: full-text access to "Current Practice Guidelines in Primary Care" requires one-time registration.