Getting Started

This is a page with resources for promoting anti-racism and supporting diversity and inclusion in Mathematics. On this guide, there are five sections, each with a selection of resources and a link to a larger list: Articles & Web Resources, Books, Podcasts, Organizations, and Support at Northeastern

The resources listed here are not comprehensive, and they inevitably reflect the biases of the various creators. They are intended to provide guidance to a wide variety of resources within Mathematics. This page is by no means exhaustive and will be continuously updated. Please use this form to provide feedback and suggestions.

For more anti-racism resources in STEM fields, please check out our Diversity and Anti-Racism in STEM page.

For more anti-racism resources and ways to get involved at Northeastern and beyond, please check out our Anti-Racism guide.

Articles & Web Resources

Below are a selection of articles and web resources related to anti-racism and supporting diversity in STEM. It is not meant to be comprehensive. For more research articles, try searching within the library's databases related to your discipline. You can also try some of the suggested databases on the Anti-Racism Guide.


Below are a selection of books relevant to racism in STEM. This is not a comprehensive list. For more books, search Scholar OneSearch or visit our Anti-Racism Research Subject Guide


Below are a selection of podcast episodes, series, and seasons relevant to racism in STEM. This is not a comprehensive list. For more resources, please visit our Anti-Racism Research Subject Guide.


Below are a selection of organizations to support students, researchers, and faculty in STEM as well as groups dedicated to social justice and anti-racist efforts. This is not a comprehensive list. To find many more contacts, visit the 

Take Action

Reading, listening, and supporting the STEM-related organizations and initiatives included on this page are a great start.

Want to do more? Check out the antiracism take action page for other ways you can fight racism, including voting, volunteering, keeping up with the conversation, attending campus events, plus training and organizations beyond STEM that you can get involved with.